


Esphome » Geschiedenis » Revisie 2

Revisie 1 (Micha Kersloot, 28-02-2023 21:48) → Revisie 2/11 (Micha Kersloot, 27-03-2023 15:34)

h1. Esphome 

 h2. TTGO T-Journal 

 The T-journal is able to communicate the battery state over i2c. After bridging the pads as shown in the picter the IP5306 that is used is connected to pins 13 (scl) and 14 (sda).  


 If you are unable to program: als deze niet meer te programmeren is: 

   python -m esptool --chip esp32 --port COM5 --baud 115200 --after hard_reset erase_flash 

 and if even that doesn't solve it: en als dat niet werkt: 

   python -m esptool --port COM5 write_flash_status --non-volatile 0