TTGO T-Journal¶
The T-journal is able to communicate the battery state over i2c. After bridging the pads as shown in the picter the IP5306 that is used is connected to pins 13 (scl) and 14 (sda).
working configuration:
substitutions: device_name: "cam01" esphome: name: '${device_name}' esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "xxxxxxxxxxxx" ota: password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "cam01 Fallback Hotspot" password: "xxxxxxx" captive_portal: external_components: - source: type: git url: components: [ ip5306, esp32_camera ] i2c: - id: bus_a sda: 14 scl: 13 frequency: 400kHz scan: true ip5306: battery_level: # sensor name: '${device_name} - Battery Level' charger_connected: # binary_sensor id: connected on_press: then: - lambda: ESP_LOGD("TEST", "charging"); on_release: then: - lambda: ESP_LOGD("TEST", "not charging"); charge_full: # binary_sensor id: full on_press: then: - lambda: ESP_LOGD("TEST", "fully charged"); on_release: then: - lambda: ESP_LOGD("TEST", "still charging"); esp32_camera: name: '${device_name} - camera' external_clock: pin: GPIO27 frequency: 20MHz i2c_pins: sda: GPIO25 scl: GPIO23 data_pins: [GPIO17, GPIO35, GPIO34, GPIO5, GPIO39, GPIO18, GPIO36, GPIO19] vsync_pin: GPIO22 href_pin: GPIO26 pixel_clock_pin: GPIO21 agc_gain_ceiling: 8x # jpeg_quality: 16 # max_framerate: 25Hz contrast: 0 brightness: 1 saturation: 0 ae_level: 2 # aec2: True horizontal_mirror: false vertical_flip: false resolution: 800x600 esp32_camera_web_server: - port: 8080 mode: stream - port: 8081 mode: snapshot
If you are unable to program:
python -m esptool --chip esp32 --port COM5 --baud 115200 --after hard_reset erase_flash
and if even that doesn't solve it:
python -m esptool --port COM5 write_flash_status --non-volatile 0
p1 dsmr power meter with TTGO T7 v1.3 mini¶
more on:
I'm using a TTGO T7 v1.3 mini and a piece of a dutch phone cable with an RJ11 connector. I soldered the cable directly on the board.
On RJ11, pin 1 and pin 6 are not connected / available
RJ11 P1 | ESP32 Pin | 4w cable | comments |
2 - CTS | GPIO19 | black | Clear to Send, High = allow P1 Meter to send data |
3 - Data GND | GND | red | |
4 - nc | - | green | |
5 - RXD (data) | GPIO16 | yellow | 1K external pull-up resistor needed |
Working configuration:
substitutions: name: p1meter friendly_name: p1meter esphome: name: ${name} friendly_name: ${friendly_name} esp32: board: ttgo-t7-v13-mini32 framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: # Serial logging is disabled by setting the logger baud rate to 0. # Otherwise the logger will occupy the hardware UART, making it unavailable # for receiving smart meter data on pin D7 (GPIO13). baud_rate: 0 # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ota: password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "P1Meter Fallback Hotspot" password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" captive_portal: uart: id: uart_bus rx_pin: number: GPIO16 inverted: true baud_rate: 115200 rx_buffer_size: 1700 dsmr: request_pin: GPIO19 sensor: - platform: dsmr energy_delivered_tariff1: name: Energy Delivered Tariff 1 state_class: total_increasing energy_delivered_tariff2: name: Energy Delivered Tariff 2 state_class: total_increasing energy_returned_tariff1: name: Energy Returned Tariff 1 energy_returned_tariff2: name: Energy Returned Tariff 2 power_delivered: name: Power Consumed power_returned: name: Power Returned electricity_failures: name: Electricity Failures electricity_long_failures: name: Electricity Long Failures voltage_l1: name: Voltage L1 voltage_l2: name: Voltage L2 voltage_l3: name: Voltage L3 current_l1: name: Current L1 current_l2: name: Current L2 current_l3: name: Current L3 power_delivered_l1: name: Power Delivered L1 power_delivered_l2: name: Power Delivered L2 power_delivered_l3: name: Power Delivered L3 power_returned_l1: name: Power Returned L1 power_returned_l2: name: Power Returned L2 power_returned_l3: name: Power Returned L3 gas_delivered: name: Gas Delivered text_sensor: - platform: dsmr identification: name: Identification p1_version: name: Version
7 maanden geleden bijgewerkt door Tom Albers · 12 revisions