


Ess » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (Micha Kersloot, 31-08-2023 09:55) → Revision 14/16 (Micha Kersloot, 21-09-2023 15:43)

h1. Ess 


 Gathered info about the Victron Dynamic ESS algorithm 

 * The algorithm does consider tomorrow's prices, consumption and PV yield estimates (from the moment tomorrow's prices are published). This is not expressed visually on the graphs because Node-RED implementation is only a proof-of-concept :). But the documentation perhaps should reflect this fact to make it clear. 
 * It seems you have understood the reason behind why the discharge is always happening: because it is still profitable to do so since it is energy that is present in the battery. It is important to note that the algorithm only works with the future, so what happens in the past (the price at which it charged) is irrelevant because the algorithm only sees it as the available energy in the battery at a given moment. 
 * The partial charge that happens at 13 when the b_cost is below 0.04 is because it only considers the PV-yield as the profitable energy at that time. Looking at the buy/sell prices of the installation, it is hardly ever profitable to do energy trading using the grid since buy price is greatly higher than the sell price. But PV yield is 'free' in that way. And the reason why the charge/discharge (at 13 and evening) does not happen with prices above 0.05 is because the battery costs of that operation outweighs the earnings you would get from selling it to the grid. 
 * The reason why the controls do not reflect what you see on the graph is because the system is trying to be conservative with allowing the battery to be idle. Since the forecasts for both consumption and solar yield can be inaccurate and the battery costs are a factor to consider, we have seen that it is best to disallow the battery to be non-idle when its planned usage is below 10% of its charge/discharge capabilities. 
 * For the hours 1 and 2, the planned battery discharge was below 0.3 (10% of the FB_max) looking at the screenshot you have provided in the original post. In this case the battery is set to be idle in order to be conservative with its usage. But for the hour 3, the planned discharge was above 0.3 hence the battery was not idle (as you can see from the screenshot you posted the last) It is important to note that the decision-making with regards to this conservative usage is made based on the forecasts not what happens in reality in that hour: for hour 2 the usage was actually above 0.3 while for hour 3 it was the opposite. 
 * For instance, for the first installation screenshots you have provided, the reason why it charges at 11 is because it expects 
 consumption of around 4 kWh in the hours after and the FG_max is 3.5 kWh, meaning there is a need for battery to meet that 1 kWh in those hours. Hence it plans to discharge till 14. After 14 it starts charging at a high rate because the prices are the lowest at that time. It continues charging till 17, to be ready to meet the consumption needs in the evening where the prices will be more expensive. And then it discharges. 
   In doing these it never aims to charge fully, because that is not necessarily the most cost-effective way to go according to the algorithm. I hope this provides more context as to how the algorithm functions, if you have any more questions feel free to ask. 

 h1. EasySolar II 

 ESS #1 means low SOC 

 h2. Multiplus II 

 TAB: GeneralSystem frequency 	 50Hz 

 Shore current 	 19.0 	 A 
 Overruled by remote 	 checked 
 Dynamic current limiter 	 unchecked 
 External current sensor connected (see manual) 	 unchecked 
 State of charge when Bulk finished 	 95.0 	 % 
 Battery capacity 	 200 	 Ah 
 Charge efficiency 	 0.95 	 TAB: Grid 
 Country / grid code standard 	 Germany:               VDE-AR-N 4105:2018-11, internal NS protection 

 AC input 1 	 Above selected gridcode plus LOM B (compliant) 
 rise-in-voltage protection U> 	 253.0 	 V 
 start network service HF treshold 	 50.20 	 Hz 
 P(f>) droop 	 5.00 	 % 
 Use Aux1 as disable FeedIn signal 	 checked 
 Maximum AC current for charge or feed in 	 100.0 	 % 
 Reactive power regulation 	 Use a fixed Cos Phi 
 Filter time for reactive power 	 3.3 	 s 
 Cos phi at point 1 	 1.00 	 TAB: Inverter 
 PowerAssist 	 unchecked 

 Inverter output voltage 	 230 	 V 
 Inverter DC shut-down voltage 	 44.00 	 V 
 Inverter DC restart voltage 	 48.00 	 V 
 Low DC alarm level 	 48.00 	 V 
 Do not restart after short-circuit (VDE 2510-2    safety) 	 unchecked 
 enable AES 	 uncheckedTAB: Charger 
 Enable charger 	 checked 

 Weak AC input 	 unchecked 
 Stop after excessive bulk 	 unchecked 
 Lithium batteries 	 checked 
 Disable VSense (for diagnostic purposes) 	 unchecked 
 Configured for VE.Bus BMS 	 unchecked 
 Charge curve 	 Fixed 
 Absorption voltage 	 52.00 	 V 
 Float voltage 	 51.00 	 V 
 Charge current 	 70 	 A 
 Repeated absorption time 	 1.00 	 Hr 
 Repeated absorption interval 	 7.00 	 Days 
 Absorption time 	 1 	 HrTAB: Virtual switch 
 TAB: Usage 
 Virtual switch usage 	 Do not use VS 
 TAB: Assistants 
 TAB: Assistant Configuration 
 ESS (Energy Storage System) (size:978) 

 *) 	 System uses LiFePo4 with other type BMS 
	 (This can be either a BMS connected via CAN bus or a BMS system in which the  
	 batteries are protected from high/low cell voltages by external equipment.) 
 *) 	 The battery capacity of the system is 200 Ah. 
 *) 	 Sustain voltage 48.00 V. 
 *) 	 Cut off voltage for a discharge current of: 
	 0.005 C= 46.00 V 
	 0.25 C= 46.00 V 
	 0.7 C= 46.00 V 
	 2 C= 46.00 V 
 *) 	 Inverting is allowed again when voltage rises 1.20 V above cut-off(0). 
 *) 	 Relevant VEConfigure settings: 
	   -    Battery capacity 200 Ah. 
	   -    PowerAssist unchecked 
	   -    Lithium batteries checked 
	   -    Dynamic current limiter unchecked 
	   -    Storage mode unchecked 

 Total size of all assistants including the required 
 (hidden) system assistants is: 1037 

 h2. GX device 

 seems to be an : Allwinner sun8i Family 

 Use the firmware 'large' to have access to MQTT and Node-Red. 

 h3. ESPhome grid meter 

 Using the the following extra software on the GX device to enable mqtt devices to connect to the victron GX and be used as a grid meter: 

 Using the following ESPHome alternate P1 meter configuration to send P1 data to the GX device AND to home assistant: 

 after updating the firmware you seem to need to run the script again. 

 [[esphome p1meter victron version]] 

 h3. GX to Home Assistant 

 To get information from the GX device into home assistant you can use the following HACS addon: 

 To get the battery input/output into the energy dashboard you need to split the sensor.victron_system_battery_power into two values with template sensors and add two cummulative entries with the integration platform. 

     #total battery input energy (cummulate) 
   - platform: integration 
     source: sensor.battery_power_input 
     name: battery_input_energy 
     unit_prefix: k 
     method: left 
     round: 3 
     #total battery output energy (cummulate) 
   - platform: integration 
     source: sensor.battery_power_output 
     name: battery_output_energy 
     unit_prefix: k 
     method: left 
     round: 3 


   -    sensor: 
       - name: "Battery power input" 
         unique_id: sensor.battery_power_input 
         device_class: power 
         unit_of_measurement: "W" 
         state: > 
           {% if states('sensor.victron_system_battery_power')|float >= 0 %} 
             {{ states('sensor.victron_system_battery_power') }} 
           {% else %} 
           {% endif %} 
       - name: "Battery power output" 
         unique_id: sensor.battery_power_output 
         device_class: power 
         unit_of_measurement: "W" 
         state: > 
           {% if states('sensor.victron_system_battery_power')|float < 0 %} 
             {{ -1 * states('sensor.victron_system_battery_power')|float }} 
           {% else %} 
           {% endif %} 

 h3. GX Venus OS Large 

 You can update the firmware with a Venus OS Large version. This version includes Node-RED. In the Remote Console, this can be enabled and you can finde node-red on https://venus:1881/ 

 when installing Venus OS Large, you better run  


 h1. Pylontech 5000US 

 The equalization takes place according to my information only if: 
 * At least one cell has over 3.450V & 
 * The cell difference within the battery is over 0,030V & 
 * The battery is being charged & 
 * The battery is not in error &